The Adventures of Princess Peony
Written by Nette Hilton and published by Walker Books 2018 & 2019
I did a really enjoyable (for me) interview with Katrin Dreiling for Kids Book Review - all about Princess Peony. You can find the interview here.
“Once upon a time there was a dear little girl called Peony. That’s P.E.O.N.Y. And it’s me. I live in a Castle with my Dragon whose name is Totts. That’s T.O.T.T.S And that makes me a Princess if you really want to know.”
Princess Peony is not really a princess, but she does have a pet dragon, which means she’s kind of like a princess. In her first adventure, she must keep an evil troll (her brother) from trying to steal her dragon (dog) – and avoid being eaten by a bear, which is really hard work.
I’ve loved working on this hilarious series - there’s everything: dogs, trolls, princes, frogs, chickens and bears… Here are a couple of spreads and some snippets:
And some of my favourite snippets (from both The First Adventures of Princess Peony and from The Second Adventures of Princess Peony)